Friday, April 10, 2015

When you're needy toddler really NEEDS you!

Hey guys! 
I wanted to share what has been going on in my life lately in the hopes that it might be able to help someone else. I've been experiencing some new parenting trials and wanted to share with friends. 

Here recently (about 2 weeks) I have been noticing that our sweet girl has been very very needy, a bit spunky, and overall more challenging. So I decided to dive in deeper to try and help her along. I pulled out some of my human development textbooks from school and got to studying. Every time Eleanor goes through a developmental milestone I'm always amazed at the awesome wonder of creation. My tiny little human...getting so big and developing big girl thoughts and gaining more independence. She's done so well with adjusting to having a new sibling and within the last month her verbal processing skills have increased. 
All of that to say this---it's no wonder that she has been more "needy" because guess what, she NEEDS me.

There's something in development called the "reconnecting phase" and it's typically an intermission between developmental leaps. When parents are out of harmony typically discipline problems will multiply. If you are trying to foster independence and your child is trying to bond you're totally out of harmony. It's not being "needy" it's NEEDING to reconnect and it means that an emotional refueling needs to take place.

If you get too busy while your child is in the reconnecting phase you may miss out on the opportunity to patch up breaks in communication. 

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