Thursday, April 9, 2015

Multi-Level Marketing--a Viable Income for Mamas!

I recently saw a comment on a thread that went a little something like this, "people used to be all watch out for pyramid scheme and now it seems that everyone I know is getting into something, it seems as though it's targeted to women, what's the deal?"

That comment was so poignant that I decided to write a post about it!

I want to answer the question in a public forum as to educate others. 

The answer is this--it works.

Within the last month I have witnessed (personally), mothers without hope beginning hoping again.
A single mother who now has the ability to provide the necessities for her son. A Mama who was trapped//stresses in the day-to-day of owning a business now having the ability to spend quality time with her family, while providing additional stress free income, and lastly a pregnant mother enjoy her postpartum without the stress and sadness of having to go back to work. 

Stories continue to multiply and you're right--it IS geared towards women, specifically mothers. It's growing and will continue to grow, as long as people continue experiencing the financial freedom that multilevel marketing has to offer!

You see "direct sales" or "multilevel marketing" has changed rapidly over the last couple of years. Before with companies is like Amway, Melaleuca, or Mary Kay you had to carry stock and provide your customers with the products that they desired. Nowadays companies like Jam Berry, Young Living, DoTerra, and Plexus provide you with something as simple as a member number, an affiliate link, or a back office! Simple and streamlined. 

Along with the explosion of multilevel marketing companies we have also seen huge growth in the "blogosphere". It seems as though every Mama is a "Mommy Blogger"  and you'll often find affiliate links sprinkled throughout every single one of their posts. You see direct selling is very very similar to those blog affiliate links, you receive a commission based on what someone purchases, just like that blogger receives a commission on whatever you purchased through Amazon.

Here's the catch though---you receive a commission every single time someone purchases through your "affiliation" --even once and it's called residual income. Furthermore, you receive additional commission when that initial individual that you introduced, decides to introduce someone else to what it is that you offer (and are passionate about)! You see it's a trickle down NOT so much a pyramid. Think of the company that employs you (if you work), you probably have a President, a CEO, and a Manager--that my friend is a pyramid. 

Imagine if you got paid every single time you recommended your favorite cloth diaper, teething remedy, or shampoo and someone went and bought it. Can you imagine getting a check in the mail every single time someone purchases one of your favorite items? 
So here's the catch to multilevel marketing, you have to sell something that you believe in! If you don't find essential oils to be useful--don't sell it. If keeping your nails manicured isn't your passion--don't sell it. Instead find something that you really love and WILL use so that when you talk to others you're not "selling" instead you're-- SHARING. 
Something else that you want to look into is the company's compensation plan. If the compensation plan isn't rewarding you adequately for your work then you should find another company. For instance, if you have to do a lot of work for a minimal pay then that doesn't fix your---"I want more freedom" problem does it? Find something that you're passionate about and that will pay you what your worth. 

My passion has and always will be, to help mothers who are working and have the desire to be home, come home. With this structure of business I am able to do just THAT! 

Let's face it--equal pay for women, specifically mothers is an ongoing issue that needs to be addressed. Whether you're working in a job or you're working your own multilevel marketing level business, I support you! 

If you are involved with a direct selling company that has changed your life, I want to hear about it! 

If you're getting involved and see the potential, I want to hear about it!

Let's support one another in our endeavors!!!

**edited--by posting a photo of my check. I am making no income claim and have attached my companies income disclosure form.

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