Wednesday, February 5, 2014

An Adoptive Mamas Journey "You're Nursing Your Baby!"

Did you know that human lactation is not limited to just women given who have given birth? That's right! You can induce lactation and my sweet friend Kathy is proving it! 

I met Kathy at our Cloth Diapering 101 class. She had just adopted a new baby and was excited about this new journey. 
Her commitment to feeding her baby breastmilk was brought up during class and as a result I mentioned inducing lactation. Given her previous medical history, she was weary about we just continued on talking about cloth diapers! 

A few days later I got a message from Kathy about possibly inducing lactation and using a supplemental nursing device. I was thrilled at the opportunity to help her and knew that the moment her baby nursed for the first time, she was going to be hooked! 

I was right! 

She is now nursing her baby and loving it. As I've told her "this has made my day, year and century!" Being a newly trained CLC I feel so blessed to have been a part of it! 

We could use your help! Kathy is still using an SNS with expressed breastmilk until her supply has built up! Any donations are greatly appreciated and if you contact me I can connect the two of you.

As a CLC I do not condone the use of unpasteurized breastmilk from mother to mother.

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