Saturday, November 30, 2013

Shop Small!

Do you know what shopping local means to our community? Local business; employ local people, pay local taxes and improve the local economy. 

In recent years I have seen a huge decline in locally owned, specialty retail shops and this is a trend I would love to see change! As I sit here (planning my next big thing for Everyday Baby), I am reminded of the wonderful, loyal customers that have walked through these doors. We are so very very thankful for you!

However, there is a sad and dangerous downside to owning your own business and I'd like to tell you about it:

(i'm about to get vulnerable so please, please bear with me)

We have taken a chance on opening a business that we felt our community needed. Providing love, support and resources for new, expecting and veteran mamas has been my dream. I am living it at this moment.


It breaks my heart when I know that I have spent hours - many times past business hours - teaching a new Mama how to use a ring sling or teaching them how to cloth, only to have them post on FB the new sling or diaper they purchased on Amazon/Target/Zulily for a few dollars less.

Everyday someone comes in and says "it's so great to see this in person" and it is. When I was beginning to cloth diaper Ella I can't tell you how many diapers I ordered, some were great and others sucked. Had I seen the bad ones in person I would have never purchased them. There was no place for me to go and buy the Sakura Bloom ring sling AND have someone show me how to use it.

While we hear the comment about seeing things "in-person" a lot, not everyone who makes that comment actually shops from us. Some will buy a few, then "shop" online. There is a term for this and it's called "show rooming." Many locally-owned businesses have shut their doors because of this very reason. People come in, touch and feel the product, then go home and order it from of Amazon or somewhere else they get a "better deal.''  Brick & Mortar stores are frequently "show-roomed" for big online giants like Amazon. Show-rooming is expensive to be the victim of (yes, we are victims). We pay wages, rent, utilities, insurance, taxes etc. to be able to show you our products. These costs are covered when WE make the sale. When the sale goes to giants stores like Amazon or Target, WE lose money.

Keeping Everyday Baby open is a daily challenge but I believe in what we are doing and thankfully we have wonderful, loyal customers that have kept Everyday Baby the amazing resource that it is, we employ mothers and carry products that allow mothers to adopt/foster/stay home with their babe. And we rely on those sales to keep our doors open. We may be a tad more expensive because we don't have the bulk buying potential like some of the giants (ever wonder why we are out of certain products?). But what I do offer, is customer service. I am truly passionate about seeing every baby cloth diapered, every mother successfully breastfeeding, teething babies soothed and MOST importantly every Mama supported on her journey. While I want to make sales, I also want to make sure that what you buy is what you NEED for your family. I want you to go home with confidence on how to use that baby carrier, feeling secure in your breastfeeding efforts and knowing how to wash your cloth.

Do you think that Target or Amazon give a hoot about your breastfeeding success? Hell, they'll sell you formula instead (it's more lucrative for them anyway.) Amazon is detrimental to small business'!

So the moral of the story is: buy where you touch. If you want to keep seeing things in person and you want to get involved with all of our awesome classes, support those of us who have taken the risk and invested our time, money and resources into a business and buy from them when you go in to see items you wish to purchase.

Bottom Line: I will continue to do everything in my power to earn your business. Unlike a giant retailer, it's my business to see that EVERY client is satisfied, confident, and supported in their purchase. Your support keeps our doors open for new Mamas everyday.

For those of you who have shopped with us - or plan to shop with us - my family and I would like to thank you. You are TRULY shopping local. 

Thank you!

The Axness Family

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