Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Mama of the Moment: Caitlen Murrell

It's time for another Mama! 
I met Caitlen MANY moons ago...when we met both of us were unmarried, without children and young! Now we're married with babies and our relationship has changed SO MUCH! I know that she is someone that I can count on to ALWAYS tell me the truth. We don't agree on everything and I'm a firm believer that it causes each of us to question, discuss, and learn from each other. I love her, her family and her good heart.

Name: Caitlen Murrell
Age of child: 7 months (8 months on the 21st of September)
Occupation: Wedding Planner, www.simplysophisticatedplanning.com
Hobby or passion: Blogging www.sonsgunsandbuns.com , Dancing, Traveling

Your top 3 nursery must haves:
.Sophie- As much as I hate to admit it Graham LOVES that thing.
.Books- Reading to Graham is a big part of our nightly routine.
.Crib- Graham is not a co-sleeping baby. He needs his space and we need ours. We love our crib! We bought it from an Amish furniture store and it is made of solid wood so it will last through multiple children.

3 things you didn't know before you became a mom:
.That I would become a morning person. I love how productive my days are now that I get up earlier.
.That blood, poop and other gross things would become less gross. I had been told this would happen but I didn't believe it.
.That is would change my whole approach to life. I am significantly more naturally minded now than I was before. I eat healthier and I take better care of myself for my family.

Favorite book to read to your kiddo: 
Any board book. I love watching him play with the pages as we read. I do really love, "On the Night You Were Born."

If your parenting style was a song what song would it be and why? 
“My Way” by Frank Sinatra. Those lyrics generally describe how I parent but they are written in the past tense.  So, when all my children are grown I can look back and say,
“Regrets, I've had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do and saw it through without exemption
I planned each charted course, each careful step along the byway
And more, much more than this, I did it my way.”

Quick! You're walking through the Disneyworld entrance and you can only take one or the other; your baby carrier or stroller. Which is it?
Stroller. No question. I love my carriers but all day in the Florida heat in a carrier would not fly with Graham. He would protest! Plus, where do I hide my snacks?

Cloth or Sposie?
We are in the process of switching to cloth. So far, so good!

What's one product that you've purchased for your little that you've later regretted? 
I wish we would have started with cloth but we had our reasons so regret is a big word. I am very happy with our baby purchases.  

Name one product that's NOT a necessity you can't live without. 
Our Pack ‘n Play! We love traveling and it is so easy to pack it up and go. Plus, it allows me to take a shower without Graham getting into trouble.

If your mothering style was an animal which would it be and why? 
I have no clue. I love puppies if that helps! 

Are you having more little ones? How many? 
Yes, I would love 3 more but my husband and I have decided to take it 1 at a time. So, maybe 2 is our magic number…or maybe 6? 

If you could tell your pre-pregnant self anything, what would it be? 
Don’t worry about the extra weight! It will come off. Breastfeeding really is the answer to loosing the baby weight! 

How did you choose your babies name? 
We spent hours and HOURS reading a baby name book with 500,000 baby names in it! As we went through the book we made a short list and then narrowed it down. Since, we didn’t know the gender we had to pick out 2 names. My husband found Graham and loved it. I liked the meaning, “Grand Home” since the baby was going to be born at home.

What is one thing that you loved to do prebaby that's more difficult to do now? 
Sleeping in! Just forget about it. 

 If you were going to buy one product at Everyday Baby what would you buy? I am pretty sure I own the entire store by now but I could use a few more cloth diapers!

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