Thursday, May 30, 2013


Loving: My garden! It's amazing to think that it comes from the tiniest's really made me appreciate where my food comes from. It's not easy but I've been committed lately.  

Watching: The new season of Arrested Development on Netflix. It's uh-mazing! Nate and I cuddled on the couch the other day and watched a few episodes. Then Nate fell asleep (story of my life).. 

Thinking About: Nate and I will be making some big decisions for our family soon. We have been discussing the possibility of getting our "attachment parenting" story out to others. It would entail a very big commitment of putting our life out there for others. I had the pleasure speaking to a pregnant mama yesterday who told me that our Cloth 101 Class "opened up a whole new world to her"...I get teary-eyed just thinking about it. Why? I desperately want to help others...that's why.

 Whether it be with choosing a birth plan or discussing what kind of cloth diaper or baby carrier to buy. I have a passion for my lifestyle and I want to help others make the right decision for THEIR families. 

Anticipating: VACATION! Nate and I are taking a cruise and I'm very excited! It's a little nerve racking to take an un-vaccinated11 month old on a cruise ship but I'm confident...

Wishing: That I could slow down TIME...Ella is going to be 1 soon and I just can't believe it. Where does time go? I'm just so thankful that I can enjoy every single second with her...

Wearing: my new mei tai that Billy from Zaney Toes made. Have you seen it? I've posted it on Instagram. It's ridic cute!

Making me happy: My body. I'm serious...I've been feeling great lately! I've never looked better! Breastfeeding is treating me well...thank you god!