Thursday, May 30, 2013


Loving: My garden! It's amazing to think that it comes from the tiniest's really made me appreciate where my food comes from. It's not easy but I've been committed lately.  

Watching: The new season of Arrested Development on Netflix. It's uh-mazing! Nate and I cuddled on the couch the other day and watched a few episodes. Then Nate fell asleep (story of my life).. 

Thinking About: Nate and I will be making some big decisions for our family soon. We have been discussing the possibility of getting our "attachment parenting" story out to others. It would entail a very big commitment of putting our life out there for others. I had the pleasure speaking to a pregnant mama yesterday who told me that our Cloth 101 Class "opened up a whole new world to her"...I get teary-eyed just thinking about it. Why? I desperately want to help others...that's why.

 Whether it be with choosing a birth plan or discussing what kind of cloth diaper or baby carrier to buy. I have a passion for my lifestyle and I want to help others make the right decision for THEIR families. 

Anticipating: VACATION! Nate and I are taking a cruise and I'm very excited! It's a little nerve racking to take an un-vaccinated11 month old on a cruise ship but I'm confident...

Wishing: That I could slow down TIME...Ella is going to be 1 soon and I just can't believe it. Where does time go? I'm just so thankful that I can enjoy every single second with her...

Wearing: my new mei tai that Billy from Zaney Toes made. Have you seen it? I've posted it on Instagram. It's ridic cute!

Making me happy: My body. I'm serious...I've been feeling great lately! I've never looked better! Breastfeeding is treating me well...thank you god! 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mama Day

It's the end of the day 11:33PM to be exact and I'm feeling quite reflective. I spent today celebrating motherhood and indulging in the attention from appreciative loved ones. This Mother's Day is special because its my first celebrating as a Mama. Ella is laying next to me in bed deep in a milk comma and I'm laying here thinking about all the changes that have happened recently in my life...

On this day 1 year ago, I was 7 months pregnant and quite oblivious to the life that would be awaiting me. I was scared, no I was terrified of motherhood. For so long I didn't think that motherhood would be possible for me. After my preconception appointment in July of  2010 I was given the devastating news that my uterus "was not suitable for implantation." Long story short...I knew that infertility was a very real reality for me. Then she happened years later.

As I think about what my life could have been like, I am thankful that God had better plans. He always does....plans that in my head I could have never imagined; having a family of my own, creating my own successful business and most importantly experiencing true happiness daily. I feel unworthy of this...but thankful that its happened to me. 
My daughter has taught me so much in her young 10 months of life; how to slow down, how to care about others unselfishly and that most of my stubborn genes are dominant. I love that she loves me so much and again feel so unworthy! 

All in all, I'm stoked on life! 

Now-here is the flip side to this reflection(y) post. What if none of this were possible? What if I would have never been blessed with her? Where would I be? would be the hardest day for me if my prognosis of infertility had become my reality! Tonight-there is a woman who has experienced loss, struggled with infertility or just hasn't found the right person to spend their life with. Tonight, I think of you. 

Xoxo Christian (Mama Bird)

Monday, May 6, 2013

10 Month Update

Personality:Ella is playful and sweet. Last night we went to dinner with friends and their son who is Ella's age. He kept trying to play with her, touching her face and playing with her toys. You would have thought that someone was pinching her. She was not about it...she was such a diva! Haha! I've noticed in the last couple of weeks she has gotten BRAVE! I know that some Mama's would be nervous about their little baby pulling themselves up on a cart with wheels, or deciding to crawl off the couch but I've really learned to relax. These are things that she has to learn herself. I'm raising a free range kid!

Sleep: We still co-sleep. We still sleep great. I love it. We've been putting her down in her crib until she wakes up at about 2am. Then she comes to the family bed.

Health: Healthy! She has started taking swim lessons. We've decided to go with gentle learning lessons (it goes right along with our attachment parenting practice). We go on Tuesdays and Thursdays and I LOVE IT. She's learning to kick in the water and navigate the side of the pool. She loves the water. I'm constantly pouring water on her head while saying "1,2,3 GO" so that when its time for her to go under she can hold her breath. She giggles..

Eating: She is still Baby Led Weaning. She eats everything that we eat and to this day has never had baby cereal or baby food. I love it! Last night for dinner she had; avocados, black beans and a banana. 

Appearance: Did you see her picture? Haha. Her hair is getting longer, shes thinning out and she has more teeth (four to be exact). Friends say she looks like me from the side, has her Daddy's eyes and my nose. She def has her Dad's feet (poor girl).

Well...thats the end for now. 
I still can't believe that she's going to be a year soon!

Xoxo Mama Bird