Monday, April 1, 2013

Back to blogging.

Well. It's finally starting to slow down. Things have been going amazingly well lately! After I quit my job in Feb I decided to finally embark on my business journey. I came up with the concept of Everyday Baby back in November of 2012. It's something that I held close to my heart, I didn't really say much about it and when I finally decided to resign my position with Merion (the multifamily company that I worked for) I became serious about owning a business. Things really lined up well for us- Nate got his dream job, our monthly household budget changed (for the better) and I found a great space for the store.

Everyday Baby had been a dream. When I found out that I was pregnant with Ella I (like most new Mamas) hit the internet hard. There were opinions, lots of inaccurate information and fallacies. I became passionate about natural parenting and birth and breastfeeding advocation. So needless to say, I'm absolutely doing something that I'm passionate about. I get to hang-out with my family and we are enjoying building something together.

I'm so happy to be typing this out right now...from the desk of my store, listening to my baby play with her da-da-da and the smell of coffee is a bonus!

Check out the new digs!

Life is good,
xoxo Christian A.

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