Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Promoted to Mom

Life is funny. It's probably the greatest comedy.
Life is sad.
Life is happy.
Life is fulfilling.
Life is draining.
Most of all, life is SHORT.
It's been no secret that I have adored motherhood and all that is involved. I have changed. It's changed me. I'm a better me. With these changes I have adapted and grown. I am on the greatest journey and enjoying the ride.
My career has been important to me for many year and I have enjoyed all that I have done and accomplished. I felt fulfilled for many years in my field of work. It's been good to me. The company. The people.
I feel that time is slipping away. It seems like last week I gave birth to Ella Bird. Now she is going on 7 months. It just goes by so fast. I can't miss a second of this. I will not allow it.
The choice to stay home with her has come pretty easy. Mainly because the ground work has been laid and God has blessed us. Nate got a new promotion this past month, we have made some wise financial decisions and my passion for work has waned. The perfect recipe for Mommydom. I feel blessed. Sometimes both parents have to work to pay the bills and hiring a caretaker is the only route to go. Just because you have a caregiver or nanny doesn't mean you're rolling in the dough either. Having kids is pricey no matter what. These moments will be gone before we know it, and if you can and of course want to, why not stay home with the kids. I look forward to being the CEO of my home. 
Being a SAHM is one of the most important jobs in the world.
And worth it.
Have you had to make the decsion to stay home?

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