Tuesday, September 4, 2012

10 Things...

Hey guys!
After Ella was born there were a few items that I found very useful. I definitely couldn't have lived without my iPad. While I was nursing I could use my iPad to watch my favorite shows on Hulu, read some of the books I had downloaded and post pictures of Ella to Facebook :0) I also loved my Belly Bandit. I had one in a medium that I wore for a week and then I was in the size small. I really liked them and preferred wearing them at night. Now...after I gave birth to Ella I was a little hesitant about having any type of bowel movements. It can be a little scary after you give birth! Thats were the Colace comes in...very helpful! I also lost a lot of blood when Ella was born and the Floradix was a great iron supplement! Of course I utilized my Boppy every time I nursed! Oh! I love love loved my Tervis. I still love my Tervis. I don't go anywhere without a water! If you're nursing then you really need to stay hydrated and the Tervis is great! Another nursing must-have is my nursing tanks...Oh man! I don't know what I did before I had them. I suggest having at least 3-4...you will thank me!

Now...the other item that I think every new Mom needs and what was a huge help to us, was a meal train. We had close family and friends delivering us food. It was a godsend. I also had my mom-in-law come for a visit...she stayed with us and cooked a ton. She would freeze meals so when she left we had left overs. When she was here I would put Ella down in her bouncer to eat. She loved her bouncer and it gave me a free second to eat and visit. Her bouncer stayed next to the table.

onetwothreefoursixseveneightnine and ten!!!

Oh! The peri bottles are a must-have. I had a cold herbal solution in mine. It def helped with healing. If you want the herbal mixture just email me!

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